Friday, June 8, 2007

PV Sul, Porto Alegre Brasil

Well we have officially finished the 3rd week of camp here in Southern Brazil. It’s been great just to be able to be here helping out with whatever we can and learning Portuguese. I have had the chance to work three different jobs during the time here. The first week I worked as a counselor of ten kids ranging from the ages of eleven to thirteen. Yea, that was an interesting experience, I was in Brazil for a week and they put me in charge of ten kids for one full week of which my responsibility was to communicate with them in a language that I barely spoke, very smart. Well after that week they decided to give me a break which was probably a good thing and put me in dish pit! That was definitely a fun week, the girls in there are crazy. One day they kept getting me wet and finally one through a wet rag at me and got my back soaked, so I decided that was the last straw and took it out on them. I Immediately threw the rag back right at her face getting her as wet or more. Well that seemed to trigger an all out brawl of all the girls against me. So they all started throwing their rags at me of which I threw them right back at them. Yea, we were completely soaked after that as well as a little piece of the kitchen. We had too much fun with each other. Well needless to say our boss spoke us to after that because the joke (was not under control). But after that everything was cool, and I survived another week of camp.

This week I had the opportunity to work with program, it was fun. However I am quite tired after only one week of it. We are in charge of all the activities and games that are held here for the campers. So that means minimal hours of sleep each night. We have this activity here called "de repente" which basically means "all of a sudden". So there is a siren that goes off and whenever this happens your team has to go to its designated area and do this crazy game, and they have to complete it within ten minutes. Also "de repente" could happen at any time during the day or night. So the guys in Program decided to have one at three in the morning. Well we wait around in the gymnasium until about two thirty, and then we start planning on how we would wake the campers up and get them going to there respective areas to play the game. One of the guys had some little bombs, so he decided to take them along. So three o’clock came rolling around and we sneaked up to the dorms. We located some bombs in different areas of the buildings and then set them all of at once. After this, we entered the rooms screaming "de repente" and getting these kids out of bed. Also our program leader has a really loud megaphone and he was running around the different rooms screaming at them to get up. Well we came upon one guy’s dorm that really did not want to get up, yea, which was a big mistake on their part. Our program guy that had the bombs went in the room and set a bomb in the middle of the floor, lit it, and ran out. I think the kids started to realize what was going on and started getting out of bed. Well the bomb went off and the whole room was filled with smoke. I think this along with a really loud megaphone in their faces convinced them to get out of bed and start heading to their respected area to complete the game. It was great! I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Outside of this everything is chill. We will be going to a water park on Tuesday, then one more week of kid’s camp until we will be going on our adventure week. It should be a lot of fun; I am excited about it. As for now, grace and may God bless and keep you all! Chau, Matt from Southern Brazil!

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